Empowering youth. Creating positive opportunities. Taking ownership of Life.

forever family & mentoring group for youth transitioning out of foster care.

Mentoring is a unique privilege.

There are a lot of gray areas and uncertain boundaries at times, but that complicated component is exactly what makes it such a beautiful relationship. A mentor can at times function as a mother, a sister, an uncle, a friend, an accountant, a college enrollment counselor, and the list goes on.

From day one, our goal was to create a safe space where no one ever had to “age out”, offering a place for growth and exploration without judgement. A place to build trust, professional skills and provide a safety net where failure is seen as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Junket is continuing to build relationships, create positive opportunities which allow each Junket member the space to step into their full potential.

We offer a forever family.

Individual Member Grants

At the beginning of 2023, we shifted our focus from an entrepreneurial group project and focused more on the specific needs of each member. We introduced Individual Member Grants, offering the opportunity for each member to access up to $2500 to budget for their specific needs.

These funds have been utilized for housing, legal assistance, job training and in numerous other ways to assist members in building their own map toward stability and success. 

“There is no prerequisite to worthiness, you are born worthy”

— Viola Davis

Giving Back to The Community

An important component of life is learning how to give back at any season you are at in life, whether it be monetary, support by physically helping someone in need or mobilizing others to support a cause you care about.

“Everything that’s broken was beautiful at one time. And our mistakes make us better people”

— Jamie Hoang

Entrepreneurial Projects

Since 2014 we have organized entrepreneurial group projects in order to bring out some of the gifts we see the youth possessed. This year we will take a break from a group project but you can click below to see what we are proud to say we have accomplished. A postcard tour of Brooklyn, 26B, a podcast where we talked about foster care and then an interview series and then throughout Covid, when we met virtually, we did movie reviews on movies that touched on social justice issues we care about. Click the link below learn more about the individual projects we have completed!